Vietnamese state barbarity rears its ugly head once again

 The barbarity of the “Socialist” Republic of Vietnam has shown itself once again. Just yesterday, liberal activist Phạm Đoan Trang was arrested on charges of disseminating anti-state propaganda. The propaganda in question involved the several news outlets Trang contributed to, outlets that detailed activities of the ruling “Communist” Party. Trang also authored several books.

While liberal democracy is in no way preferable to capitalist despotism, as both are the same sides of the capitalist coin, jailing activists is not neutral in it’s effects on the proletariat. In fact, it only strengthens the grip of the bourgeoisie around society.

It should be clear to the proletariat of Vietnam that the State does not intend to relinquish power without struggle. What is needed right now are not bourgeois liberals with reformist slogans. What the working class needs most of all are independent institutions, like workers councils, to smash the current “Socialist” Republic and wage class war. What the working class needs is communist revolution! 


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