Points Of Unity

 The Left-Communist Group of Vietnam is a group founded in the Vietnamese diaspora, and based in the Dutch-German current of Left-Communism. Our positions are as follows:

  • The "Socialist" Republic of Vietnam is not socialist. On the contrary, it is capitalist.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought, the official ideology of the ruling "Communist" Party of Vietnam, is a bourgeois current.
  • Stalinism, called "Marxism-Leninism" in Vietnam and the forefather of Ho Chi Minh Thought, is likewise a bourgeois current.
  • The Socialist Oriented Market Economy introduced by the "Communist" Party is not socialist, but capitalist.
  • A revolution by the Vietnamese proletariat is necessary to establish a Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
  • An integral organ to the revolution is the workers council, by which the proletariat has direct control over the means of production and can create a proletarian dictatorship.
  • A new revolution cannot fall into the trap of nationalism, which would limit the scope of the revolution and hinder it.
  • A new revolution must aim to abolish all elements of capitalism, including wage labor, commodity production, private ownership of the means of production etc.


  1. woa based???? (I believe in insurrection, not revolution though) (this comment is from diod doodles by the way, I clicked on the link on your profile B))


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